Share Your Style…

Saturday 26th December 2009

I feel obliged to write a post about something thats very womanly and a little bit disgusting but that needs to be addressed! This morning, after having a gorgeous but exhausting Christmas day eating my bodyweight in Matchmaker chocolates and Turkey roast dinner, I decided to treat myself to an indulgent bath to read a book. This relaxation plan was totally destroyed when i looked down and saw what could only be described as a couple of Cocker Spaniels resting comfortably on my legs “CRIPES” I thought, “Where the HECK did all that hair come from?! Have I honestly not waxed or shaved these little bad boys for so long that they now resemble PUPPIES??!!” 

Here’s the thing, I wear tights all day, every day and only ever have a quick glance in the shower so I haven’t checked out my pins out properly in ages and they’re totally neglected! The colour resembles an off-white/yellow colour (Which i can only assume is old tan?!) and they’re covered in bruises and, of course, the  previously mentioned HAIR. My poor boyfriend! And there’s me thinking that when he clutched my legs in the middle of these cold, wintery nights that it was accidental or a new form of foreplay, now I realise he’s selfishly attempting to keep warm! 

It just comes down to the winter months, and that’s who I’m blaming. As soon as June hits, I scrub, shave, wax & tan. I use cream after cream to make my legs softer than a baby’s bottom and then wear the minimum clothes i can get away with so I can show off the hour workout for Chezza Cole inspired legs. THEN, as soon as September hits, I cover up, dont wax/shave and could easily be mistaken for a Wilderbeast hiding out in the woods waiting to get some scram for tea. 

Point I’m trying to make is, why do we feel the need to let ourselves go a little bit during the winter? Is it cause we feel there isn’t any need to bother if nobody but ourselves will be seeing it and we won’t be showing it off? If so, do we ever only preen ourselves so others can see our goodiesat their best? Have we forgotten who we should be preening ourselves for? Or is it simply a matter of wanting to feel snuggly in the winter months?  

 All i know is, after an embarrassed face and shaking my head at how badly i have let myself go, I quickly remembered Roy had gotten three razors for Christmas SO, now I stand, armed with a brand new Gillette (with matching wash bag and gel don’cha know!) and I’m ready to take on any challenge. 

Now all I’m dreading is seeing what my armpits look like…. 



Thursday 29th October 2009


Morning everyone! I’ve woken up and logged in to Twitter to find something very interesting  pop up. There is a new, more organised Twitter in town, and i like it veeeerrrrry much.

 They’ve decided to now give you the option  to create ‘lists’ for your Twitter to enable you to organise your followers or people your following ie; School friends, work colleagues etc and when you click your list, it only shows you the tweets from the people in that list..handy!

 I’ll show you a easy tutorial to help you make sense of the new Twitter lists!



new lists
Where lists are kept

After clicking lists, you get to add a list name & click ‘Create’

Then type in the name of the person you want to add to your list!

put them in a lists
Then, choose the list you would like them to go into by clicking the button!

Then when you click your newly created link in the side bar, it only shows those people added to it in your news feed..clever!

What’s also VERY cool is that other people can follow the list you’ve just made!

You may have notice that it even tells you how many times you’ve been listed in other groups!

What ever you save your list as is saved as a permanent link too so it directs you straight there! Eg: Mines –


 Right, i hope that gives you some insight in to the new Twitter Lists and gives you an idea as to how they workies. If you’ve got any questions leave them below!


Sarahies x x x



Hey everyone!

So.. I am officially back! I know I didn’t take an official “break” and send out the generic “Seeya im off!” post but I did break up with my blog. We weren’t getting along like we used too. I had no words left to say and i was finding it a chore to keep up with so, after a lot of thought and 6 beautiful months, we took a break.
Of course like with all breakups it felt tough but after a month, a holiday & several shy logs on, we are officially back together & online..

It has been a weird few months. Everything is great but I’ve felt totally uninspired. It’s frustrating because one of the things I love doing is writing but when you have no words left it just feels really blank.

So, to kick start my first October post, I’ll do what a few bloggers have been doing at the moment which is the ‘In & Out’ post!


1) My sparkly new iPhone! (which I am blogging from right now..clever!) and I have spent a fortune in the apps store on silly games I don’t need but I am LOVING IT!!

2) Freederm gel. I think my pill was sending the skin on my face crazy & it came out in a rash so my mum (of all people!) had some freederm in her drawer & let me borrow it and it is a miracle worker I swear! My skin is like a baby’s bottom..lovely!

3) Lightened hair: I know the winter months are usually full of lovely dark nails and chocolate brunettes but I haven’t been very creative with my hair in AGES so I decided to get a dye and lighten it and it really worked! Loving having a new look!


1) Winter colds to come..note to self: flip flops don’t work in October, no matter how sunny..brrr!

2) Gym: I only signed up yesterday and I am already dreading the burn! Bottom is size of small county so it is nescessary! Why does good food act so naughty on your body?!

3) Broken camera!! In Greece my camera decided to break so we had to use disposeables! As my friends know and predicted I had a camera glued to my hands the whole time..even if it was 5 bright yellow Greek cameras!

And that’s it! I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has been checking back and leaving comments, you guys rock! I promise if we ever take a break again I will leave with plenty of notice!

I bought a few No7 gifts for a blog competition a while ago and never got round to it but it will still be happening so look out for that soon!

Huge kisses!

Sarah x o x o


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